The Safest Place to Be Yourself.

The Safest Place to Be Yourself.

Join Kinship for real conversations you can't have anywhere else. Share openly, connect deeply and feel uplifted - instantly.


The Safest Place to Be Yourself.

The Safest Place to Be Yourself.

Join Kinship for real conversations you can't have anywhere else. Share openly, connect deeply and feel uplifted - instantly.

Real People.
Real Conversations.
Real Connection.

Don’t just take it from us. Experience the magic - as told by Kinship members.

Transform your life, one real conversation at a time.

We work with the best

Our Speakers

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Carlos Whittaker
Carlos Whittaker
Author, Storyteller
Carlos is an author, podcaster, and global speaker bringing hope to humans all over the world. His motto: don’t stand on issues, walk with people. That’s the professional stuff—but all day every day, Carlos is a family man.
Kobe Campbell, LCMHC
Kobe Campbell, LCMHC
Licensed Therapist
Kobe Campbell is an acclaimed trauma therapist, bestselling author and keynote speaker focusing on empowering individuals to rediscover their truest selves.
Bob Goff
Bob Goff
Chief Balloon Inflator
Bob, a recovering lawyer turned Honorary Consul to Uganda, New York Times bestselling author and founder of Love Does, a nonprofit operating in multiple countries. He is known for his love of balloons, cake pops, and inspiring people to chase their dreams.
Coach Dar
Coach Dar
Mental Skills Coach
Darleen Santore, aka Coach Dar, is an author, Occupational Therapist, and former Mental Skills Coach for the Phoenix Suns, leveraging her expertise in science, psychology, and leadership to empower professional athletes and CEOs worldwide.
Andrew F. Carter
Andrew F. Carter
Andrew F. Carter's life story is a powerful transformation from prisoner to pastor - overcoming a challenging childhood and 18-month prison term to becoming the founder and lead pastor of Royal City Church and host of the popular daily ‘Coffee & Prayer’ Bible study - with millions of followers worldwide.
Kim Anderson, LPC-MHSP, CPLC
Kim Anderson, LPC-MHSP, CPLC
Licensed Therapist & Life Coach
Kim, a licensed therapist and certified life coach, founded Elevate Mom to empower mothers with tools for personal growth and resilience. Through therapy modalities like EMDR and CBT, she helps clients overcome challenges and embrace confidence and joy in their lives.
Scott Schimmel
Scott Schimmel
Speaker & Author
Scott Schimmel is the President and Chief Guide of The YouSchool, an organization that believes every student deserves the opportunity to construct a meaningful life for themselves. He's a speaker, writer, curriculum designer, and consultant, and has spent 20 years studying human flourishing in young adults.

Here's How It Works


Join a session

RSVP to join a session – just as you are. With convenient sessions throughout the week, join from the comfort of your home, any time you crave connection.


Listen to a short talk

Get comfortable and start the session by listening to a quick, uplifting talk from a relatable speaker, sharing from their own life experience. Talks can cover everything from mental wellness to relationships, purpose and growth.


Connect in small groups

After, you'll get matched in a group of 6-8 people for a thoughtful 45 minute discussion, guided by a trained facilitator. Get ready to connect, go deep and feel uplifted.

Why It Works

Helping you navigate life's highs, lows, and in-betweens.


Feel uplifted after using Kinship.


Average lift in mood after each Kinship session.


Rate their Kinship experience 5 stars.

Ready to experience Kinship?
Why it it works
Helping you navigate life's highs, lows, and in-betweens
I spend my money on a lot of things, but I would invest every dime in continuing this format of growing.
Gerald H.
Kinship Member

of people feel better after just one Kinship session.


of people rate their Kinship experience 5 stars.


of people say attending a Kinship session was worth their time.

Ready to experience Kinship?

Who we are

We believe in the healing potential of human connection, and our app serves as a bridge, linking those who feel alone in their struggles with a community who truly understands. Join us on this journey towards emotional well-being, one conversation at a time. Together, we can make a difference.

the Kinship Experience

Connect, Share, Grow.

Finding your people is hard. We’ll connect you to others with similar life experiences who crave real connection, just like you.

Be Seen, Be Heard.

Your story matters. Exchange your experiences and stories with others who are right there with you.

Feel Better, Together

Every session is a two-way street of support, leaving you lighter and more inspired.

Encouraging Talks

Listening to others’ stories gives us perspective. Sharing our own helps to validate our feelings and realize our shared human experience.

Guided Small Groups

Community guidelines create a safe space for real conversation. And our trained facilitators guide the discussion with thoughtful prompts.

Community Support

Send live reactions, show your support, kindle connections, and leave feeling a little lighter and more uplifted each time.

Want to Be a Facilitator?

Kinship Facilitators are essential for driving this movement towards reconnection by guiding our small groups.

More Info To Ease Your Mind

What is a Kinship session?

Kinship is a online community platform for building connections through deep conversation. Each 30 or 60-minute session begins with a few minutes of an opening talk by a relatable speaker who shares from his or her own lived experience. 

Then, we use dynamic matching technology to place you into a small breakout group of ~6 individuals for a thoughtful conversation for the remainder of the session. Those discussions are guided by a trained facilitator who also serves to maintain the safety of the small group environment.

It's a science-backed, community-centered way to experience growth & connection - and it actually works. Interested? You’ve got nothing to lose. Try Kinship – your first session is on us, no credit card required!

What kinds of topics are discussed in a Kinship session?

That's like asking what might come up in any human conversation! Kinship conversations are as varied as the people that participate.

Each experience is different, based on who is in your small group, how you're feeling that day, how deep the group wants to go, and the content of the opening talk.

Most conversations span multiple topics, though can be overarchingly summarized as: personal growth, emotional well-being, relationships, and purpose.

Past sessions have covered topics like:

  1. Stress, anxiety, depression, and growth or coping techniques.
  2. Self-improvement, goal-setting, and realizing your potential.
  3. Awareness, compassion, empathy, and acceptance.
  4. Navigating all sorts of relationships: family, friendships, professional
  5. Healing from heartbreak, caregiving, grief, and loss.
  6. Building resilience and overcoming adversity.
  7. Self-validation, authenticity, vulnerability, and (re)discovering your identity.
  8. Major life changes: career shifts, moving, marriage, or parenthood.
  9. Finding purpose: personal values, finding meaning in life, and living your truth.
  10. Exploring spiritual beliefs, practices, and their role in your personal well-being.
Why does Kinship work and how do I benefit from it?

Kinship is rooted in science, providing real support when we’re faced with challenges, transformations, and everything in-between. Here are a few of the facts that support our approach:

  • Research shows that when we put our feelings into words, we reduce activity in the amygdala – the part of the brain that controls fear and anxiety.1
  • Stronger social connections lead to a 50% increased chance of longevity.2
  • Compassionate conversations lead to reintegration of neural systems involved in stress and encourage new growth, improved connectivity, and a better blood supply to neurons.3
Kinship is currently in beta. What does that mean?

In short, Kinship being in beta phase means that it’s not the full or complete experience that we intend once we fully launch later this year. That said, it is a really exciting opportunity for you to get involved and be an influential part in helping us build this world-changing experience. Here's what we mean:

  1. Early Member Discount: As a token of appreciation for your early involvement and feedback, we're offering beta access at a significantly reduced cost.
  1. Influence Development: This is a unique chance to directly influence the development of Kinship. Your feedback, suggestions, and usage patterns will actively shape the final product, making you a true co-creator in the journey.
  1. Access to New Features: Experience the latest functionalities of Kinship before anyone else. As a beta user, you'll be the first to explore new features and innovations as they’re built and released. While there may be occasional bugs or instabilities, your patience and feedback help us create a more robust and user-friendly final product.
  1. Exclusive Community and Support: Join a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about shaping the future of Kinship and engaging in compassionate conversation.
  1. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to regularly updating and improving the Kinship experience during the beta phase, ensuring that you always have access to the most advanced and reliable version of our service.

Your participation in the Kinship beta is not just about early access and savings; it's about being an integral part of a community that is shaping the future of our service. Welcome to the movement toward reconnection.

How do I know this is a ‘safe’ experience?

We take the safety and privacy of our users very seriously. Kinship sessions are not recorded, and only first names are displayed publicly. Community guidelines are in place to maintain a welcoming space of non-judgment for you to come, relax, and just be yourself. We remove anyone who repeatedly violates our Community guidelines and we have expert facilitators in place to maintain the safety of the small groups.

Is Kinship a therapy platform?

No. Kinship does not offer professional mental health support. Kinship is a community platform for deep, authentic conversations and genuine connections. While it is beneficial to your emotional health, Kinship does not staff clinical psychologists, psychotherapists, counselors, or other mental health professionals.

Can I join a session from my mobile phone?

Yes we support mobile, but joining from a computer makes for an optimal experience.

Be Seen.
Be Heard. Belong.

"It's about connecting without fear, without the weight of judgment. It’s about people."
- Angela, 36